Painting: "One Magical Day"
I painted this miniature painting over two days, for our local art group's Christmas break up dinner's lucky dip type swap:
Last year names were drawn by chance & each recipient got to choose from the wrapped gifts, one by one, which is a system I prefer.
This year our most famous local artist's husband chose a wrapped gift to hand to each recipient, & recipients just took their turns according to where they happened to be sitting.
Each attendee brought either a piece of their own art (or craft) or art supplies, for the Christmas gift table.
I hope the recipient of "One Magical Day" enjoys having it in her home?
Here is a detail:
Can you tell me what type of bird this is? Yes, it is a real bird, which exists in our real world.
The other bird, on the jersey cow's head, is a Gouldian finch.
The tree is a bottle tree, in case you're wondering why it's a peculiar shape. Here in central Queensland, Australia, we have bottle trees. I hadn't seen any until I moved here (from south east Queensland). I think bottle trees are cute, do you? Here's a photo of a young small one, from my own garden: